Hi, I'm pete, and I'll be your host.
I'm not going to tell you what my hell consisted of. I've put it down on paper before and that pretty much killed those particular demons. The reason I've backtracked to that point is that before Dante's back garden opened up, I was writing... something. It was running along smoothly with all the momentum of a runaway tricycle.
Then... it stopped. The juices stopped flowing. Inspiration dried up. Then to top it all off, events conspired to make me pretty much stop everything except work, breathe, sleep and sometimes eat. Then on April Fool's day 2002 it ended.
just under 3 months later, I married. 5 Months after that, i spent a month's honeymoon in Australia. Three days after I got back I got fired.
2002 was the worst and best year of my life
Then.. nothing. Inbetween work and juggling tight finances I went nowhere near the book. It just wasn't up there on my list of things to do. 'Don't get evicted' and 'eat', however, were.
2005, July 9th. Something else comes up.
This guy starts existing

Pretty much takes up every waking hour. This is NOT a bad thing. I have wept real tears just watching him sleep.
I'm now 32. The wedding ring has left an indelible dent in my finger, hidden by a white gold ring I'll never remove, as permanent as, but a lot less painful than my many tribal markings.
The mark my boy has left on me goes deeper.
I'm content. Stable. Comfortable. I'd like a bit more cash, a few more hours sleep a night, but I can live with the hardship.
So, to the point (which has been standing in the corner, tutting impatiently and looking at its watch). I've just re-read the original draft of my book and edited where necessary. Some of it's crap, some of it's drivel, some of it's laughably written, but most of it's good.
I'm re-starting from page 67. Something about the Brothers never getting ill...
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