09 August 2006

Jeez, I REALLY suck.

Just haven't had the energy or impetus to put finger to plastic. However, my lovely baby sister got married this week.

A smaller affair than my overly-grandeuse and bloody expensive wedding. I'd have to say I had more fun at deborah's wedding than my own. Not to say mine wasn't a blast, it was just that Annie & I spent so much time making sure everyone was ok, we didn't have time for ourselves. we hardly touched the buffet, I had about 3 pints total, and to cap it all one of the hotel's staff got stabbed by one of the hoodlums that weekly congregate outside the hotel.

Deborah's wedding was much more relaxed and enjoyable, from our point of view. Lukey was with his grandparents for the evening, so we had the whole night worry-free.

I danced. A lot. I don't/can't dance, but I did, and with a small child on my shoulders to boot.

(That's me on the left)

Leigh's a cracking bloke, and I know they'll be happy together.

(Cake was nice too)

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